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Parim Matrixi klient Riot on nüüd Element

Matrixi põhiarendajate seltskond otsustas senise firmanime New Vector, põhitoote Riot ( ning majutusteenuse Modular asemele kasutusele võtta uue nime Element. Pikem selgitus on nende ajaveebis. Uued rakendused ja paigalduspakid ilmuvad ilmselt lähipäevil.

Võrgu ja protokolli nimeks jääb ikka Matrix ning asja olemust see ei muuda - tegemist on parima läbivalt krüptitud, hajutatud ja födereeritud vabal tarkvaral põhineva suhtlusvõrguga. Teiste klientide nimed sellest ei muutu (Fractal, Spectral, Quaternion, Nheko, Nio, Ditto, FluffyChat jne) ning kõikidel kasutajatel peaks kõik töötama nagu seni.

Upgrading Riot Web to Riot Desktop in Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and other deb-based distos

New app was released yesterday and it's name has changed.

When running standard upgrade from command-line you see:
$ apt update && apt upgrade
The following packages have been kept back:

When you see what is upgradable you'll notice:
$ apt list --upgradable
riot-web/stable,stable 1.6.0 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.5.15]

The solution to get upgrade done is simple:
$ apt install riot-desktop
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libsqlcipher0 riot-desktop

Latest release of Riot is feature-heavy and among others makes verification a lot more simple and end-to-end encryption enabled by default for all new non-public conversations.

Riot is a good client for Matrix - an open network for secure, decentralized communication.